Is Love Really Blind?

JUNE 2023 New Jersey is 2023’s 7th best state for singles, according to a study done by WalletHub… but are there really the best options for finding real, genuine connections?

Brianna McCabe, an NJ author, marketing professional and professor, is partnering with Inspired Girl Enterprises and The Seafarer Bar in Highlands, NJ, to present a unique option for singles in the state with their second annual Blindfolded Speed Dating event on July 6. Somewhat mimicking the methodology of Netflix’s popular dating show, Love is Blind, 15 males and 15 females will be presented the opportunity for their own real-life love experiment.

Upon check-in, guests will be assigned a number and given two poker chips and a name tag with their corresponding number on it along with a blindfold. The females will then be seated at an individual “station” and will be instructed to put their blindfolds on. Then, each blindfolded male (along with their designated “helper”) will maneuver through the stations where the females will be seated and chat to their prospective “match” for two minutes.

During each round, McCabe will guide the conversation between attendees by presenting unique questions to get the conversations started.

“Individuals can sometimes become blinded by physical traits in the sense that you can fail to see who a person really is at their core,” shares McCabe. “So by restricting your vision, it’s interesting to see just how in-tune you become as you allow your remaining four senses to guide your decision-making – especially while dating.”

If one of the guests feels a connection during one of their pairings, participants will be instructed to leave their poker chip at the station for the other participant to receive. At the end of the event, each guest will tell McCabe which poker chips, if any, they have received. As the host, McCabe will then identify potential matches.

If there are several matches, the pairs will proceed to play a game inspired by McCabe’s self-help book, The Red Flags I’ve (Repeatedly) Ignored.

The winning couple will receive a gift card for a subsequent date night at The Seafarer.

“Last year’s event was such a hit with the community and it was really beautiful seeing two pairs connect in the end,” reflects Harrison Baker, one of the owners of The Seafarer Bar. “Although not everyone left with a romantic match, there were so many friendships that we saw form, too.”

This event is open to singles looking for a heterosexual relationship within the ages of 28 to 35. Tickets must be purchased in advance to participate in the event, which includes one free drink ticket.

Both McCabe and Baker are exploring opportunities for other events for those ineligible for this particular grouping, including LGBTQ+-inclusive events and additional groupings for various age ranges.

To learn more about the event, visit:



Brianna McCabe, MBA, is a marketing professional, professor, author of The Red Flags I’ve (Repeatedly) Ignored, and podcast/segment host. She graduated from Monmouth University with a Master of Business Administration in 2019 and Bachelor’s in Journalism/Public Relations in 2015.

The Red Flags I’ve Repeatedly Ignored is a semi-autobiographical self-help book published by Inspired Girl Publishing Group. To purchase a copy of "The Red Flags I've (Repeatedly) Ignored," visit

Visit to learn more. Connect with Brianna at



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